
おさんぽ 〜おはなみ〜



近(ちか)くのお寺(てら)では、桜(さくら)が満開(まんかい)るんるん 一足(ひとあし)お先(さき)に、ちゃぶまるはお花見(はなみ)をしてきましたよ〜。でも、お散歩(さんぽ)で行(い)っただけなので、お弁当(べんとう)とかは食(た)べてないです。



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桜(さくら)のアーケードみたいで、とっても綺麗(きれい)でしょ〜?わーい(嬉しい顔) 近(ちか)づいてみると、とってもいい香(かお)り!

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HEllo, everybody!

It is a very beautiful day today晴れ! It is very warm, so I went for a walk for a little while.

The temple nearby has many cherry blossoms, and all of them are full-bloom.るんるん Sorry, a little before you, I did "HANAMI". But I haven't had "BENTO(lunch)," I just went for a walk.

I'm very looking forward to go to "HANAMI" with you together on Monday!!

Well, enjoy the pictures of SAKURA which I took today.

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Isn't it like an arcade of SAKURA? It is very beautiful!!わーい(嬉しい顔) When I went very close to SAKURA, it was a nice flavor!

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I think there are same SAKURAs as these along the KAMO river. Those who are going to come to the class tomorrow can enjoy this beautiful scenery together.わーい(嬉しい顔)


This SAKURA, a little bit deep in color, is called "SHIDAREZAKURA." We have lots of this kind of SHIDAREZAKURA in the north of KAMO river.


When we take pictures of SAKURA with the temple, it is very tasteful, isn't it?


Thank you for reading this article, watching the pictures, and sharing what I saw today!
posted by ちゃぶまる at 15:28| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary





そしてexclamation&question 実(じつ)は、先月(せんげつ)誕生日(たんじょうび)を迎(むか)えたちゃぶまるに、Aちゃんから、またパワーストーンのブレスレットが届(とど)きました!!誕生日(たんじょうび)当日(とうじつ)に届(とど)いたので、ますますテンションUP!離(はな)れているけれど、想(おも)ってもらえているというのはとても嬉(うれ)しいことです。「幸(しあわ)せだなぁ」ってしみじみ感(かん)じました。





I have a friend who lives in Yokohama.  She is quite familiar with gemstones, and very good at making accessaries using gemstones.

brace2.jpgWhen she came to Osaka before, she gave me a bracelet of "crystal and fluorite". Crystal has the power "to enlarge one's possibilities and talents by its crystalline sparkle". Also, it is effective as a talisman. Moreover, it has the power for purification of the environment, getting rid of misfortunes, and healing the heart." The green fluorites "give us peace." Because I didn't know anything about gemstones, I've never been to buy them, so I was so happy to get this cute bracelet. Now I wear it every day.

Guess whatexclamation&question Actually, I had my birthday last month, and my friend gave me the new bracelet of gemstones. It arrived just on my birthday!! I was so happy to feel that she and I are separated, but we think about each other all the time. Having such a nice friend is really precious, isn't it?

brace1.jpgThis time, she gave me a bracelet which includes my birthstone, "aquamarine". The three different stones are, aquamarine, the blue, amethyst, the purple, crystal. I've already written about the power of crystal, as you know. Amethyst has the power to 「"make us peace in mind, lead us to the right judge, cure the unwell minds, make us at ease and give us peace inside our mind." Other than that, it takes off the tiredness in our body," cultivates the bond of affection, and gives us the real love," and so on. And the important one, because it is my birthstone, aquamarine, "raises the strength of will, makes the will clearer." There are other meanings, like"to bind a man and a woman by love," "to get wealth and reputation," "to get the power to beat the rivals," and it is believed as the symbol of "happiness and the youthfulness."

The one she gave me this time is very cute! I'll wear this also, every day with the one she gave me last time!

Are you interested in these gemstones??
posted by ちゃぶまる at 14:51| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary




わたしは ふくを きます

I wear clothes.


わたしは ぼうしを かぶります

I wear a hat.


わたしは リボンを つけます

I wear a ribbon.


わたしは めがねを かけます

I wear glasses.


わたしは ズボンを はきます

I waer pants.


わたしは くつしたを はきます

I wear socks.


わたしは くつを はきます

I wear shoes.

posted by ちゃぶまる at 21:56| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase


4じかん べんきょうしました


きょう わたしは 4かん べんきょうしました。

I have studied for 4 hours today.


わたしの ともだちは、1しゅうかん りょこうする つもりです。

My friend is going to travel for a week.


わたしは 2かげつかん フランスごを べんきょうしています。

I have been studying French for 2 months.


わたしは 3ねんかん バドミントンを れんしゅうしています。

I have been practicing badminton for 3 years.
posted by ちゃぶまる at 22:04| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase




わたしは たんじょうびに はなたばを もらいました

I received a bouquet on my birthday.



かれは わたしの たんじょうびに ケーキを くれました

My boyfriend gave me cakes on my birthday.



わたしは かれの たんじょうびに セーターを あげました

I gave a sweater to my boyfriend on his birthday.
posted by ちゃぶまる at 23:55| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase


Sunny? Cloudy? Rainy? Snowy?

Yesterday, Mar. 29th, we were planning to go to HANAMI.

The people who came as looking forward to it, very sorryもうやだ〜(悲しい顔).

After we finished the class, on the way we were going to go to Maruyama Koen (Maruyama Park), it suddenly began to snow雪.


We couldn't do HANAMI, because it was so cold and nobody had umbrellas.

Let's do HANAMI next Mondyハートたち(複数ハート)!

If you want to see this article in Japanese, please go to: http://info.nihongonoie.com/ →NEWS!
posted by ちゃぶまる at 07:55| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | infomation




きぶんが わるかったので
きょうの じゅぎょうを やすみました

I was absent from today's class
because I felt sick.



ゆきが ふったので、 
はなみを ちゅうし しました

HANAMI was canceled
it snowed.
posted by ちゃぶまる at 22:54| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase














In Japan, there is a word: "nendogawari." It is the year which changes in April. Like many countries' school year or bussiness year.

I'm infamiliar with "nendogawari" in other countries, but when I was in America and Canada, it was in September. I've heard that in many other contries it is the same.

When we talk about "nendogawari" in Japan, it means that the new semester starts. We have entrance ceremonies, too. Not only for schools, but also for companies, it is the same. The new recruits also start to work in April.

"Kyoto City International Foundation," where I work as a Japanese tutor, there are many events as "nendogawari" is coming.

Before we have the new semester, we have the end of the old semester. We often hold a little party called "otsukaresamakai": which have the meaning of "Thank you for working a whole year." Today, I joined in the party in "Kyoto City International Foundation."

I work as a tutor on Friday, but there were many tutors from other days, it was fun to talk with many people who work as tutors.

Also, the last day of March, we hold a little party for the people who quit Friday's class this year.

So, "nendogawari" gives me many feelings at the same time. "Farewell," "Hello," etc. I have many feelings like "missing," "getting nervous," and "happy!" I feel a little bit strange that I have so many feelings at the same time.

How about in your country? When do you have "nendogawari?" Do you have some special events on that month? Please telle me!!
posted by ちゃぶまる at 16:07| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary




わたしの しゅみは あみものです

My hobby is knitting.


あみものが わたしの しゅみです

Knitting is my hobby.



わたしの しゅみは ぬいぐるみを つくることです

My hobby is to make stuffed animals.

My hobby is making stuffed animals.


ぬいぐるみを つくることが わたしの しゅみです

To make stuffed animals is my hobby.

Making stuffed animals is my hobby.

posted by ちゃぶまる at 21:28| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase


ふゆから はるへ


きせつが、ふゆから はる かわります。

The season changes, from winter to spring.



おおさかから きょうと ひっこします。

I move from Osaka to Kyoto.



たいようが ひがしから にし いどうします。

The sun moves from the east to the west.
posted by ちゃぶまる at 23:52| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase