@"Kazewo hiitakara, jugyouwo yasumimasu."
A"Kazewo hiitanode, jugyouwo yasumimasu."
The sentences above both mean "Because I have a cold, I cannot go to today's class." Which sentence is right to use?
The answer is..., "both of these sentences are right."
Then, what is the difference between these two centences?
The difference is only the words, "kara" and "node".
Both "kara" and "node" are called "conjunctive particles,"and they play a role to connect two centences and make them one centence.
Here, "I have a cold," and "I cannot go to today's class." are connected.
When I looked up in a dictionary, the word "node," it says that "when the two matters, which are connected by a causual relationship, are understood that they are generally clear facts, and when you want to express the cuases, reasons, and grounds, we use "node." Also, the difference between "kara" is that "'node' is used when the causual relationship is based on an objective fact, , and 'kara' is used when it is based on the speaker's subjective view, like a guess, a prohibition, an order, a question, and so on. Generally, 'node' is used when the independency as a condition is weaker than 'kara.'" Isn't it so difficult an explanation? <Quoted from:『大辞林(Daijirin)』by三省堂(Sanseidou)>
When it is explained such a literary sentences, even Japanese would be in trouble to explain them.
Then, I looked up these words on the internet, I found out that "kara" and "node" can be used differently much easier. Perhaps most of the Japanese would say "I don't even know that how I use them differently." "kara" and "node" are maybe too familiar to us.<Quoted from:http://www.yano.bc.ca/vansin/vansinpo100.htm>
Probably you would understand the differences by comparing the two sentences like the following.
(1)"Kazewo hiitakara, yasumuyo."
(2)"Kazewo hiitakara, oyasumi shimasu."
In this case, which sentence is fit nicely to your feeling? The answer is (1).
Then, how about these?
【1】"Kazewo hiitanode, yasumuyo."
【2】"Kazewo hiitanode, oyasumi shimasu."
In this case, the answer is【2】.
Did you get it now?
Yes, it is more polite to use "node" than to use "kara." We use "kara" when you talk to the person whom you don't have to use the polite form like "masu-form. "node" should be used when you talk to the person with the polite form like teachers and elder people.
So, when I talk to Yoshiemushi-sensei, about the reasons, like "Kono honwa sugoku ii node, zehi tsukaimashou!" (Let's use this book because this is a very good material.), "Taichouga warui node, jugyouwo oyasumi shimasu." (I cannot go to the class today, because I feel sick.), and "Kyouwa tenkiga iinode, sotoni dekakemashou." (Since it is a very good weather, let's go out together.)
On the other hand, to my family, I would say, "Kono hon, sugoku iikara, tsukauwa.", "Kyouwa taichouga waruikara, yasumunen.", and "Kyouwa tenkiga iikara, sotoni dekakeyou?" <There are many Kansai-dialect, but did you get the meanings?>
It is OK to use "kara" in the polite sentences, however. It is also OKto use "node" in the conversations with the familiar people. As I quoted the sentences from the dictionary, as long as the meanings fit the rule to use these two words, you can use both words in different situations. I guess, however, to Japanese, they sometimes feel, "Uh? Is it a little bit different way to say?" Probably, if you use "kara" and "node" many times, you would feel the same. So, you have to be careful to use them differently in the first place, then, you would be able to use them differently without thinking! When you talk to me or Yoshiemushi-sensei, you would use "node" many times, but if you have a chanve to talk to the people familiar to you, please use "kara", too!
The fastest way to remember the languages, is "to use them many times!." I am very looking forward to listening to you using "kara" or "node."