
すてきな プレゼント♪

先日(せんじつ)、中国人(ちゅうごくじん)の MUちゃんが、約(やく)2年(にねん)ぶりに、日本(にほん)に 戻(もど)ってきましたわーい(嬉しい顔)ハートたち(複数ハート)

金曜日(きんようび)午前(ごぜん)の、ボランティアの クラスで 再会(さいかい)を 喜(よろこ)びましたるんるんるんるん

お土産(みやげ)に、こんなに 素敵(すてき)な プレゼントを いただきました揺れるハート




The other day, my Chinese friend, MU, is back to Japan from China. It has been about 2 years since she went back to Chinaわーい(嬉しい顔)ハートたち(複数ハート)

On Friday's class, at International Community House where I work as a volunteer tutor, we were very glad to see each otherるんるんるんるん

She gave me this wonderful present揺れるハート


Thank you so much, MUかわいい
posted by ちゃぶまる at 15:42| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary




昨日(きのう)、ちゃぶまる先生(せんせい)は 授業(じゅぎょう)を 休(やす)んで しまいましたもうやだ〜(悲しい顔)

授業(じゅぎょう)を 楽(たの)しみに していて くれた 皆(みな)さん、ごめんなさいふらふら

ちゃぶまる先生(せんせい)は、疲(つか)れが たまると、布団(ふとん)から 起(お)き上(あ)がれなくなるときが ありますバッド(下向き矢印)バッド(下向き矢印)

そう ならないように、毎日(まいにち) ストレスが たまらないように 過(す)ごさなければ いけません手(グー)

今後(こんご)、お休(やす)みしないように 十分(じゅうぶん) 気(き)をつけますパンチ

心配(しんぱい)してくれた みんな、ありがとう ございました揺れるハート

ちゃぶまる先生(せんせい)は 元気(げんき)に なりましたexclamation×2

よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)、本当(ほんとう)に ありがとう黒ハート


Yesterday, Chabumaru was absent from the classesもうやだ〜(悲しい顔)

Those who had been looking forward to studying with me, I'm so sorry.ふらふら

When the tirey days continue, Chabumaru cannot get out of the bed sometimesバッド(下向き矢印)バッド(下向き矢印)

Not to get knocked down, I have to be careful not to have stressful days手(グー)

From now on, Chabumaru will be very careful about healthパンチ

Thank you very much for thinking about me揺れるハート

Chabumaru is much better and fine nowexclamation×2

Yoshiemushi-sensei, thank you so much for taking care of everything黒ハート
posted by ちゃぶまる at 14:45| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary


しゅげいは たのしいです。

今日(きょう)も、とっても 暑(あつ)かったですね〜あせあせ(飛び散る汗)

でも、ちゃぶまると、よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)は、交流会館(こうりゅうかいかん)で、午後(ごご)から 一緒(いっしょ)に 作業(さぎょう)を していたので、とても 過(す)ごしやすかったし、楽(たの)しかったですよ〜わーい(嬉しい顔)ハートたち(複数ハート)

何(なん)の 作業(さぎょう)を していたかというと・・・。


そう、ちゃぶまると、よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)が 大好(だいす)き黒ハートな、「手芸(しゅげい)」ですexclamation×2るんるん

知(し)っている 人(ひと)も 多(おお)いと 思(おも)いますが、



日本(にほん)では、編(あ)み物(もの)、縫(ぬ)い物(もの)などの 手作業(てさぎょう)を まとめて、「手芸(しゅげい)」と 呼(よ)んでいます。

ですから、ちゃぶまると よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)は、2人(ふたり)とも 「手芸(しゅげい)」が 得意(とくい)と 言(い)えるのです。

ちゃぶまるは、よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)と 共通(きょうつう)の 趣味(しゅみ)が あって、とても 嬉(うれ)しいですよ〜手(チョキ)揺れるハート

今日(きょう)は、ちゃぶまるが 作(つく)った 「あみぐるみ≪編(あ)んで 作(つく)った ぬいぐるみのこと≫」に、よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)が、洋服(ようふく)ブティックやマフラーを作(つく)ってくれたり、イアリングを つけてくれたり しましたわーい(嬉しい顔)ハートたち(複数ハート)

それから、よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)が 作(つく)った ブックカバーや 名刺(めいし)入(い)れに ちゃぶまるが ワンポイントの マスコットを つけたり しましたよ手(グー)グッド(上向き矢印)

2人(ふたり)とも 夢中(むちゅう)で 作業(さぎょう)を していたので、気(き)がついたら、もう5時間(ごじかん)も 経(た)っていましたexclamation&question

よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)、とっても 楽(たの)しかったですね揺れるハート

ひらめきちゃぶまるや よしえ虫(むし)先生(せんせい)の 作品(さくひん)に、興味(きょうみ)が ある 人(ひと)は、是非(ぜひ)、その 話(はなし)を してみて くださいね〜るんるんるんるん


Today was too hot, too, like as usualあせあせ(飛び散る汗)

But Chabumaru and Yoshiemushi sensei were together at Community House to do something together from the evening, so we were cool and were happy togetherわーい(嬉しい顔)ハートたち(複数ハート)

What we did was・・・


Yes, the "Handycraft," which both Chabumaru and Yoshiemushi sensei love to doexclamation×2るんるん

I think most of you already know, that

Yoshiemushi sensei次項有Sewing

we love themexclamation

In Japan, we call the handycraft, like knitting and sewing, "SHUGEI."

So, we both can say that we are good at "SHUGEI."

Chabumaru is very happy because Chabumaru has the same hobby as Yoshiemushi sensei手(チョキ)揺れるハート

Today, Yoshiemushi sensei made the clothes, skirfs, and ear piercings for the stuffed animals, "AMIGURUMI ≪knitted animals, actually≫," which Chabumaru madeわーい(嬉しい顔)ハートたち(複数ハート)

And Chabumaru knitted made some mascots for book jackets or card cases which Yoshiemushi sensei made手(グー)グッド(上向き矢印)

We both were so absorbed in making things, when we found ourselves, 5 hours had already passedexclamation&question

Yoshiemushi sense, it was very fun, wasn't it揺れるハート

ひらめきThose who are interested in the works of Chabumaru or Yoshiemushi sensei, please talk us about themるんるんるんるん
posted by ちゃぶまる at 22:21| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary



皆(みな)さん、あっという間(ま)に 9月(くがつ)ですよ〜exclamation×2

なのに、いつまでも 暑(あつ)いですね…たらーっ(汗)

バテないように、気(き)を つけましょう手(グー)




あっと 驚(おどろ)く 間(あいだ)にダッシュ(走り出すさま)」とか

考(かんが)える 間(ま)もない 短(みじか)い 間(あいだ)にダッシュ(走り出すさま)

という 意味(いみ)ですが、


Jack Robinsonと 言(い)う 間(あいだ)に

と 言(い)うようですねexclamation&question


と 発音(はつおん)するのは、ものすごく 短(みじか)い 時間(じかん)しか 使(つか)いませんが、


ジャック・ロビンソン」と 言(い)うと、割(わり)と 長(なが)い 間(あいだ)のように 思(おも)います。

国(くに)によって、言(い)い方(かた)が 違(ちが)うのは、とても 面白(おもしろ)いですねー(長音記号2)


「とても 短(みじか)い 間(あいだ)に」

という 意味(いみ)の、違(ちが)った 言(い)い方(かた)を知(し)っている 方(かた)が いらっしゃったら、是非(ぜひ) 教(おし)えてくださいね〜


Everybody, it is already Septemberexclamation×2

But it is still too hot…たらーっ(汗)

Please take good care of yourself not to be worn out手(グー)

This phrase,

「あっという間(ま)に」( Atto iu mani )


in a short time like while being surprisedダッシュ(走り出すさま)」or

in a short time like not having time to think somethingダッシュ(走り出すさま)

While in English, it is

before you can say Jack Robinsonexclamation&question

In Japanese,

to pronounce


is really a short time,

but in English,

I feel that to say

Jack Robinson

takes a lot of time compared to Japanese "a".

It is very interesting that eah country has different way to sayー(長音記号2)

If you have other phrase to say

「in a very short time」

please tell me
posted by ちゃぶまる at 19:52| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase


きょうから 「おぼんやすみ」 です。

皆(みな)さん、すごく 久(ひさ)しぶりの ブログ更新(こうしん)に なってしまって ごめんなさいもうやだ〜(悲しい顔)

ちゃぶまるは 「色(いろ)んなことを UPしたいなぁ」と 思(おも)っていましたが、なかなか、パソコンに 向(む)かう 時間(じかん)が ありませんでしたあせあせ(飛び散る汗)

国際交流会館(こくさいこうりゅうかいかん)での 授業(じゅぎょう)に 参加(さんか)している 皆(みな)さんや、「にほんごのいえ」で 勉強(べんきょう)している 皆(みな)さんとは、相変(あいか)わらず、元気(げんき)に 楽(たの)しく 授業(じゅぎょう)していますexclamation×2

夏休(なつやす)みも 残(のこ)り少(すく)ないですが、 授業(じゅぎょう)は 毎週(まいしゅう)あるので、是非(ぜひ) 来(き)てくださいねわーい(嬉しい顔)

授業(じゅぎょう)の 日程(にってい)は こちら:


さてさて、今日(きょう)<8月(はちがつ)13日(じゅうさんにち)>から 8月(はちがつ)16日(じゅうろくにち)まで 日本(にほん)では 「お盆(ぼん)休(やす)み」です。

今日(きょう)の 交流会館(こうりゅうかいかん)3F(さんがい)の授業(じゅぎょう)に 来(き)てくれた 人(ひと)は もう 知(し)っていますね?

「お盆(ぼん)休(やす)み」には、亡(な)くなった ご先祖(せんぞ)さまが 家(いえ)に 帰(かえ)ってきてくれます

ですから、「お盆(ぼん)休(やす)み」には お墓(はか)参(まい)りには 行きません

だって、ご先祖(せんぞ)さまの 魂(たましい)は 家(いえ)に 帰(かえ)っているので、お墓(はか)は 無人(むじん)に なるのですから・・・。

ご先祖(せんぞ)さまは、8月(はちがつ)13日(じゅうさんにち)の 夕刻(ゆうこく)、自分(じぶん)の 家族(かぞく)の 待(ま)つ 家(いえ)に 帰(かえ)ってきて、16日(じゅうろくにち)の 夕刻(ゆうこく)、天国(てんごく)へと 戻(もど)っていきます。

ちゃぶまるの 家(いえ)には、おじいさん、おばあさん、お兄(にい)ちゃんが 帰(かえ)ってきます。

ですから、今日(きょう)は、交流会館(こうりゅうかいかん)での 授業(じゅぎょう)の後(あと)、3人(さんにん)が 帰(かえ)ってきてこられる 準備(じゅんび)を するために、実家(じっか)に 帰りました

まず、朝(あさ)のうちに 両親(りょうしん)が、提灯(ちょうちん)を 飾(かざ)って くれました。

この提灯(ちょうちん)は、ご先祖(せんぞ)さまが ちゃぶまるの 家(いえ)を 見(み)つけられるように、明(あか)るく 光(ひか)っている 状態(じょうたい)で 飾(かざ)っておきます。


そして、ご先祖(せんぞ)さまが 帰(かえ)ってくるときの 乗(の)り物(もの)を 用意(ようい)します。


おがら」という 植物(しょくぶつ)


を 使(つか)って、きゅうりと なすに、 足(あし)を つけます。

きゅうりは 馬(うま)、なすは 牛(うし)を 模(かたど)った ものです。

ご先祖(せんぞ)さまが 家(いえ)に 帰(かえ)るときには、 足(あし)の 速(はや)い 馬(うま)に 乗(の)って、「早(はや)く お家(うち)に 着(つ)きますように」 という 願(ねが)いが 込(こ)められています。

また、16日(じゅうろくにち)に 天国(てんごく)へと 帰(かえ)るときには、「なるべく 長(なが)い間(あいだ) この世(よ)に いてもらえるように」 という 願(ねが)いを 込(こ)めて、足(あし)の 遅(おそ)い 牛(うし)に 乗(の)って 帰(かえ)ってもらう と言(い)われています。

「提灯(ちょうちん)」の ほかに、家(いえ)に 帰(かえ)ってきてもらう 印(しるし)として、「迎(むか)え火(び)」というものが あります。


これは、「おがら」を 燃(も)やして ご先祖(せんぞ)さまに 道(みち)しるべを 作(つく)り、家(いえ)に 帰(かえ)ってきてもらうための ものです。

「迎(むか)え火(び)」は、「夕刻(ゆうこく)」に 行(おこな)うと されています。

ちゃぶまるの 家(いえ)では、「迎(むか)え火(び)」は 午後(ごご)4時(よじ)ごろ 行(おこな)うことに していますが、これは、各家(かくいえ)によって 違(ちが)います。

家(いえ)の 伝統(でんとう)に 従(したが)って ご先祖(せんぞ)さまを お迎(むか)えしてください。

ご先祖(せんぞ)さまを お迎(むか)えしたら、毎日(まいにち)、お食事(しょくじ)を お供(そな)えします


お箸(はし)は、「おがら」を 使(つか)っているところに 注目(ちゅうもく)してください。

「おがら」を 適当(てきとう)な 長(なが)さに 割(わ)って、お箸(はし)として 使(つか)ってもらいます。

この 「おがら」の お箸(はし)は、「送(おく)り火(び)」で 使用(しよう)するのです。

また、お供(そな)え物(もの)は、蓮(はす)の 葉(は)に 乗(の)せます。


ご先祖(せんぞ)さまは、16日(じゅうろくにち)の 夕方(ゆうがた)まで 皆(みな)さんと 一緒(いっしょ)に 家(いえ)で 過(す)ごします

16日(じゅうろくにち)には、「送(おく)り火(び)」の 合図(あいず)と ともに、 また 天国(てんごく)へと お帰(かえ)りに なります。

「送(おく)り火(び)」は 「迎(むか)え火(び)」と 同様(どうよう)、夕刻(ゆうこく)に 同(おな)じ手順(てじゅん)で 行(おこな)います

また、京都(きょうと)では、「五山(ござん)の送(おく)り火(び)」という、有名(ゆうめい)な 行事(ぎょうじ)が あります。

京都(きょうと)にある 山々(やまやま)に、次々(つぎつぎ)と 火(ひ)が 灯(とも)され、ご先祖(せんぞ)さまを 天国(てんごく)へと お見送(みおく)りします

お盆(ぼん)休(やす)みは、ご先祖(せんぞ)さまと 一緒(いっしょ)に、家(いえ)で ゆっくり 過(す)ごしてくださいね。

また、お盆(ぼん)休(やす)みを 京都(きょうと)で 過(す)ごされる方(かた)は、是非(ぜひ) 「五山(ござん)の送(おく)り火(び)」を 見(み)て、ご先祖(せんぞ)さまを お送(おく)りしてください(^^)


I'm very sorry about not writing the articles in this blog for a long whileもうやだ〜(悲しい顔)

I have been thinking that I wanted to write about many things, but I couldn't even have time to open my computerあせあせ(飛び散る汗)

But I have been studying with those who come to the class of the International Institution, and those who attend the class of "Nihongo no Ie." And it is always enjoyable to study with those peopleexclamation×2

The summer holiday will end in two weeks, but the classes of "Nihongo no Ie" is open every week, so please come and join usわーい(嬉しい顔)

Please look at the classes' schedule here:


By the way, from today <Aug. 13th> to Aug. 16th, in Japan, there is a holiday called "Obon-yasumi."

Perhaps everyboday joined in today's class at International Institution already know about this holiday.

The ancestors (the people who have passed away) come home during "Obon-yasumi."

So, we don't visit their graves.

Becuase the spirits of the ancestors is at home with you, which means that there is nobody in the graves....

The ancestors come home in the evening of Aug. 13th, come back where their family is waithing for them, and stay until the evening of Aug. 16th, then go back to heaven(where we believe that they live after they had passed away).

My grandfather, grandmother, and my elder brother come back to my parents' house.

So, today, after the class, .I went back to my parents' house, too, to welcome my ancestors.

First of all, in the morning, my parents had prepared the Japanese lantern .

This lantern, will be lightened brightly in order for the ancestors to find my house easily.


And then, we prepare the animals which are used as rides for the ancestors to come back home.


The dried plant called "Ogara,"


is used for the legs attached to cucumbers and aubergines .

The cucumbers are used to be the horses, and the aubergines are used to be the cows.

The ancestors will ride on the horses, which are fast to run , wishing "to be back at home quickly."

On the other hand, it is said that when they go back to the heaven on Aug. 16th, we wish that "they can stay at this world for a long time," so they use the cows, which walk slowly.

Other than the lanterns, we have the event called "Mukae-bi" as the sign to come back to the right house.


We kindle "Ogara," which makes the way in the evening.

In my house, we fire "Mukae-bi" around 4:00 p.m., but the time to do "Mukae-bi" is differ by each house.

Please welcome your ancestors according to your house's tradition.

After you welcomed your ancestors, you need to prepare the meals every day until they leave.


Please note that we use "Ogara" for the chopsticks.

We split "Ogara" into the appropriate lengths, and make chopsticks and let the ancestors use them.

These "Ogara"-chopsticks, will be used as "Okuri-bi."

Moreover, the fruits and vegetables as the oblations, are put on the leaves of the lotus.


The ancestorswill spend the time together with you until the evening of Aug. 16th.
Then on Aug. 16th, they will go back to where they should be, when we make the sign by "Okuri-bi."

"Okuri-bi" is held by exactly the same way as "Mukae-bi," in the evening.

In Kyotom there is a big event called "Gozan no Okuri-bi."

The fires are lightened on the 6 mountains around the Kyoto city, in order to see your ancestors off.

Please spend the days with your ancestors together during the Obon-holiday.

And those who spend the Obon in Kyoto, please see them off by watching "Gozan no Okuri-bi."(^^)

posted by ちゃぶまる at 15:35| Comment(328) | TrackBack(0) | study-culture-



今(いま)、大阪(おおさか)の「国立(こくりつ)国際(こくさい)美術館(びじゅつかん)」では、『ルノワール―伝統(でんとう)と(文化)』≪RENOIR Tradition and Innovation≫が開催(かいさい)されています。






ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワール ≪Pierre-Auguste Renoir≫は、フランスの有名(ゆうめい)な、印象派(いんしょうは)の画家(がか)です。












Now, at Kokuritsu kokusai bijutsukan in Osaka, ≪RENOIR Tradition and Innovation≫ is being held.


I went to The National Museum of Art in Nakanoshima, Osaka, with my boyfriend, by using Kintetsu railway and Keihan railway!

The outward appearance of The National Museum of Art is so unique, and so cool.


Same as me, there were a lot of people taking pictures outside.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, is a famous painter and impressionists, from France.

Rather than the landscapes or the flowers, he is much more famous for his works of portraits, especially the ladies' portraits.


There were as much as 85 works, and most of them were the portraits of the beautiful ladies.

Of course, the portraits of the ladies are so beautiful, but my boyfriend and I were very impressed by the pictures of the landscapes and the flowers.

After went through all the pictures, I bought four postcards of my favorite pictures.


I like the pictur of the roses the best, placed at the bottom.

Which would be your favorite picture, out of this four cards?

RENOIR Tradition and Innovation is held until July 27th, so those who have time to go, please do!!

I'm sure that you will be so satisfied♪」ですよ〜
posted by ちゃぶまる at 23:43| Comment(38) | TrackBack(0) | diary


ちゃぶまるの うれしい こと





















Good evening夜

I practice badminton on Sundays. I usually play with my boyfriend twice or third times a month.

My boyfriend's parents open a badminton club, and they bring up many excellent players.

Chabumaru started to play badminton three years ago.

So, I'm not good at playing it so much.

But the other day, during practicing, the string was cut.


Which means that it is an evidence that I have practiced so much.

So, I got very happy!

The part which was cut was a little bit low. If the part would be a little bit upper, I can hit the shuttlecocks can fly higher and I would be able to get more points easily and clearly.

In June, there are 2-days of practices, including today.

When I practice, I teach two grade 6s, and one grade 7, by playing and advising together.But I have little knowledge about badminton, so, I ask my boyfriend how to advice or how to play better.

My boyfriend have been playing badminton for more than 20 years.

My dream is that to join in the games with my boyfriend.

In order to make that dream come true, I will practice very hard!!

Do you have something that you concentrate on?

「Keizoku wa chikara nari.」is a proberb from the past.

Which means, to continue what you like or what you want to do, will lead to your abilities, and moreover, not to quit however hard it will be, your dreams will come true.

Please try hard and make your wish come true!
posted by ちゃぶまる at 23:22| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary


あたらしい しゅみ










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Everybody who reads this blog, long time no see...

I'm so sorry that I couldn't update this blog for a long time.

I felt very sorry that there are many people who enjoy to see this blog, but I counldn't take the time to update.

It is getting warmer and warmer these days, isn't it?

Everybody, have you finished to change the clothes?

I am going to do it with my boyfriend tomorrow.

I think everybody already knows that my hobby during the winter. It is to make stuffed animals with out of wool.
<please look at:the article of April 26th.>

From May, I found a new hobby.

It is to make fake cakes out of felt.

SH3E00060009m.jpg  SH3E00060005m.jpg

Like these.

Does it look delicious?

To make cakes out of felt, is very complicated, so, I need to concentrate very much, but it is very fun!

If I become better to make cakes, I want to answer the requests from everyboday!!
posted by ちゃぶまる at 22:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | diary


ちゃぶまるの しゅみ

















Good evening夜

I haven't been able to update my blog recently. Those who are looking forward to reading this blog, I'm very sorry. From today, I' going to update every day, so please keep in touch with me by coming here.

I guess most of you have already known, my hobby is "handicraft," especially "knitting." I make stuffed animals by knitting wool.

For example, what I made last weekend is here↓↓


two chihuahuas.

The stuffed animals knitted with wool is called "Amigurumi." "Ami-" is from "amu (=to knit)," and "-gurumi" is from "Nuigurumi (=stuffed animals). Isn't it interesting how we made the word "Amigurumi?"

I put my "amigurumi" up to auction, and it is bought by many kinds of people. Sometimes, those who had bought my works before gives me some request, and I make new works for them. These two chihuahuas are made because I had an request from who bought my works before. I'm very happy that the people who bought my "amigurumi" love them. Whenever I make "amigurumis," I make a wish that they will be loved bu the person who buys them.

During the winter, there are many kinds of wool are sold, but when it gets warmer, the place where the wool are sold gets smaller. Moreover, there are less people who buys works made with wool because it is warm/hot.Now, it is April, so that I think I can keep on working with "amigurumi" until around the rainy season. In summer, I don't make "amigurumi" because it can be rarely sold. Last summer, I didn't make anything, but this summer,


I'm going to make handicraft-cakes by using felt.

I've never made anything by using felt, but I think I am good with my hands, so if I practice many times, I can make some works that can be sold through auction.

I think you also know about this, that Yoshiemushi-sensei is also very good with her hands. Yoshiemushi-sensei can make very beautiful cloths by using a piece of cloth. Do you know the bag we use to put in the whiteboard which we use during the studies, is made by Yoshiemushi-sensei. When I saw it for the first time, I was so surprised that it was so good!!

Oh!! Do you collect the stamps when we study together? When you collect 15 stamps, there are some special present from the teachers. It might be... the works by Yoshiemushi-sensei, or Chabumaru♪

Everybody, please collect the stamps and get the presents by studying with us!!
posted by ちゃぶまる at 23:06| Comment(363) | TrackBack(0) | diary




きょうは あめでした

It was raining today.


きょうは あめでした でかけました。

It was raining today, but I went out.


きょうは あめだったので 出かけませんでした。

It was raining, so I didn't go out.
posted by ちゃぶまる at 23:42| Comment(70) | TrackBack(0) | one point phrase